Classless css to make site look nice

date: 2020-11-19 18:48:34 +0300




There are so many css frameworks on the web to make life easier when you want to make your site looks great.

Warning! Bad english (I try to learn, so I decide to write some posts in english).

Problem with many of these frameworks is that they are too complicated and heavy (we all know about bootstrap and foundation, right?).

To use them you need to wrap your html code into infinity nested blocks of <div> tags and set for each of them class name or id.

But there are another class of css framewokrs, called classless, because they work just for your semantic html code.

You include css file into your html page, and thats all - take your nice looking page back.

Usually, these frameworks apply styles not for classes or ids, but for html tags, that's the point.

Here are some of them:

Water css

Style css

New css


I tried new.css and water css for this blog, looks nice, but I prefer go plain and minimalistic.
